Friday, July 29, 2011

Mr. & Mrs. Cousineau!!!

They're Married! It's crazy to think that this whole journey started to prepare for this day, and now it has come and gone! It was such a beautiful and HOT day, but we all had a blast. It was pretty much a week of festivities. Starting on Monday when my husband and I went to the dr. and saw our Baby for the first time. We are super excited. Tuesday I was finishing the last baking that was needed for the cake, Wednesday was mani pedi day. Thursday was the rehearsal, Friday I decorated the cake and Saturday was the Wedding! It was a long week, so Sunday we spent it all day doing nothing. It was fabulous!
As for the cake, their colors were pink and green and they picked a cute and simple design. I got to work decorating the cake Friday morning. The only stressful part about it was finding a green ribbon to match the green flowers on the cake. We found it and all was well. We then had to bring it to the hall about 20 min away, and this is one of those moments where I am so thankful my husband is a safe and slow driver lol. There was some frustration with the management at the hall, they wouldn't listen at all to my concerns. Finally the guy in charge listened, understood my concerns and agreed with me! About time! So I got my way and the cake was safe for Saturday. Here is the final product!
Photo taken by the talented Lazarus Palanacki