Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Can we fix it??...

I can not believe that summer is already over! It has been a crazy busy one for us, but also an exciting one. With so many friends and family getting married, and others preparing to have babies, it has been a blast. But very exhausting. So much in fact that I am SO behind on my blog posts.
The week after my brothers wedding back in July, I made another cake. My cousin asked if I could make a cake for her boyfriends nephew who was turning two! He loves bob the builder, so I got another chance at a character cake. This one was just a basic two tiered cake, with Bob on it. It was my first character made entirely out of fondant. It went alright, I found it was hard to keep it proportionate. In the end it looked like bob could afford to lose a few pounds lol. But he found his spot at the front of the cake. Since he was the main attraction I made sure that the rest wasn't too busy. I gotta say thank goodness for internet cause this would have looked like a totally different bob! lol